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Computer & Internet Frauds

Working in coordination with one of the Big Four accounting firms – PwC, E&Y, KPMG & Deloitte, students will examine the factors leading a business or individuals to commit computer and Internet fraud in Taiwan, China and other parts of Asian region. In addition, students will explore how computer networks are used in fraudulent activities, and effective methods for securing information and preventing fraud.  

Global Fraud Management

The course is focused on computer assisted analytical techniques for fraud detection and investigation, with emphases on analytical solutions to fraud problems and the application of computer-based techniques for preventive, detective, and corrective controls. The course examines specific types of fraud in Taiwan, including financial statement misrepresentation, and helps students identify the types of data available and the tools that can be used to detect and prevent fraud.

Global Fraud Behaviors  

The course introduces Chinese cultures and business environment in Taiwan, and discusses major reasons for its recent explosion of financial fraud incidents. Many of these recent financial frauds are jointly committed by criminal gangs from China and Taiwan. As data access in China is often prohibitive, Taiwan is the best country destination to access the fraud data and learn about the fraud behaviors in this particular region.  

Detect & Prevent Computer & Internet Frauds in a Global Marketplace   
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